Getting Started

Maybe it has been “too long” since you have been to the dentist and you know there is needed treatment that you have been putting off. Perhaps you are looking to enhance and improve your existing smile. Whatever your needs, Dr. Bracco and his team, have the experience and up-to-date skills to make your desires a reality.

We take the time to listen to your needs and concerns. Before starting any treatment we explain our recommendations in detail. We deliver our care with the utmost in precision and attention to detail. Our goal is to provide you with advanced comprehensive dentistry that exceeds your expectations.

Dental Services

Dental Hygiene

What Does a Dental Hygienist Do?

Dental Hygienists (periodontal therapist or gum therapist) are specially trained members of the dental team who work together with your dentist to treat gum diseases and help people maintain good oral health through care of their teeth and gums. They recognize and treat gum disease by means of scaling and polishing to remove plaque, tartar and stains from your teeth.

Why do I need to visit the hygienist for a “clean” when I clean my own teeth every day?

No matter how well people look after their teeth and gums, very few maintain perfect oral hygiene day by day. Plaque is easily missed between teeth and around the gum line. If plaque is missed regularly, within days it can mineralize into a hard, rough, cement-like material (known as tartar). Plaque and tartar are the primary factors leading to the development and progression of periodontal (gum) disease. Regular visits with a qualified hygienist, ensures the teeth are kept free of bacterial irritants and any gum problem can be addressed promptly.

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My dentist used to give my teeth a clean before, so why do I have to see the dental hygienist?

Your dentist can remove plaque and tartar from your teeth; however it is more cost effective to see the Dental Hygienist. Also the dental hygienist is able to spend a lot more time with individuals educating them on their own periodontal condition and periodontal disease in general. Tailor-made oral hygiene instruction is demonstrated in detail, which enables you to help prevent the development and/or progression of periodontal disease at home.

I don’t want to see the dental hygienist because it hurts.

If you find it uncomfortable having the plaque/tartar removed from your teeth, it is important that you discuss this with the hygienist. It is not uncommon for individuals with periodontal disease to experience discomfort during this treatment. Just like any other infection, the area is inflamed and will often be tender when treated. Local anesthetic will quickly remedy the problem. Knowing that you are comfortable allows the dental hygienist to work quickly, efficiently and thoroughly. We aim to provide the best and most comfortable dental hygiene treatment possible for you.

Porcelain Veneers

Beautiful, conservative restorations that can dramatically improve the shape, color and position of your existing teeth. Veneers are a very thin porcelain laminate that mimic the appearance of natural enamel. Modern techniques and materials make porcelain veneers the ultimate cosmetic dental treatment.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Today’s tooth-colored filling materials are healthier and more esthetic than the old silver amalgam fillings of the past. These fillings are bonded in place and are nearly invisible.

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Life-Like Crowns and Bridges

Traditionally, crowns and bridges have been used to restore worn, broken and missing teeth. There are many reasons why the dentist may recommend crown treatment. Many times when people hear the word crown, they think of the “caps” of days gone by.

These types of crowns look fake and often show an unsightly dark line at the gum. Modern techniques and materials enable us to make crowns that are strong, long lasting and very life-like in appearance. Only you and your dentist will know!

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Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Sometimes teeth need restorations that are larger than just a filling but less than a full coverage crown. This is where porcelain inlays/onlays can help. These strong, bonded and esthetic restorations can conservatively replace missing tooth structure while maintaining healthy areas of the tooth.
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If you are missing some or all of your teeth, partial or full dentures are a treatment option. These removable restorations are an economical way to replace multiple missing teeth if implants and fixed bridgework are not feasible.

Implants can be used to hold full dentures in place to avoid movement and enhance your ability to chew. When making a denture for you, we take the time to customize it to your mouth, using natural looking materials to ensure a comfortable fit and beautiful smile.

Why suffer with missing teeth? Dentures can restore your ability to chew and greatly enhance your appearance. Let us help you today.

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Endodontics (Root Canal Therapy)

Modern day root canal therapy is not like it used to be. New technology has transformed this tooth-saving procedure, making it more precise, comfortable and efficient. In many cases, root canals can be performed in one painless visit. If root canal therapy is recommended to you, rest assured that Dr. Bracco will use the latest techniques to ensure your comfort and quality of care.
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Our emphasis is on saving teeth. However, sometimes teeth need to be removed due to advanced decay, gum disease, infection or breakage. We will discuss with you tooth replacement options which include dental implants, fixed bridges or dentures. Dental extractions are a short-term fix but not a long-term solution. Trust our experienced staff to make this procedure quick and painless.
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Gum Recontouring

Short teeth and a “gummy” smile can often times be corrected with a simple gum lift procedure resulting in longer, more youthful appearing teeth. Advanced cosmetic dentistry is no longer just for the rich and famous. You too can have a beautiful and healthy smile. Ask us about cosmetic dentistry and how it could benefit you.
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Implant Dentistry

The effects of tooth loss to your dental health are significant. Many factors contribute to the loss of your teeth, including cavities, gum disease, bite problems, fractured roots, and accidents. You might be surprised to know that when you lose your teeth the bone that surrounds and supports it deteriorates.

Losing one of your front teeth results in a gap that is impossible to hide, and will have a huge impact on your smile. Losing your back teeth is equally concerning because it will affect your bite and your ability to eat and chew your favorite foods. In more extreme cases where multiple back teeth are lost, your face may eventually appear “caved in” and the stability of your remaining teeth will be compromised.

Fortunately, you do not need to suffer the consequences of tooth loss. We can restore your teeth and smile with dental implants. Dr. Bracco has had extensive experience with implant procedures, he has been restoring implants since 1986 and surgically placing implants at his Fort Lauderdale office since 1999, so you can rest assured you are in safe hands.

This is a great procedure to replace missing teeth and provide a fixed solution to having removable dentures. Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone. The implant replaces the missing tooth root and preserves the remaining bone by stimulating the bone cells to remain after the natural tooth root is removed. Implants maintain the integrity of your facial structures by preserving your natural bone.

The implant procedure usually requires a number of appointments over several months. On your first visit, radiographs and impressions of the jaw and teeth will be taken to determine bone width and height, gum tissue, and spacing available for the implant. Next, the implant is surgically placed in the bone and allowed to heal. After approximately four months of healing, an impression is made of the top of the implant. An implant abutment and crown are fabricated and placed on top of the implant. After getting your implant, it will function just like a natural tooth, and you will be able to smile again with confidence.
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Dental implants are very strong and durable and will last for many years, but they may have to be re-tightened or replaced due to normal wear. As with all procedures, proper home care and regular dental visits will help prolong the life of your new implant.

Ask us about dental implants so that you can once again smile comfortably, eat what you want and enjoy life without embarrassing dental problems!

Pediatric Dentistry

Childhood has been identified as the most important period in a person’s “dental life”. We have found that even when children have been to the dentist before, they often do not know what to expect when they come to see us. On the first and all subsequent visits, we aim to provide children with full information about the visit to help them overcome their anxieties. We firmly believe that this approach prepares the child to enter adulthood with a positive attitude towards dental health.
Dr. Bracco would prefer to start seeing patients as young as twelve months old. This enables us to check for early signs of disorders, to advise parents on dental health, and to establish good preventive habits at an early stage.
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Periodontics – Non-Surgical Gum Treatment

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a problem affecting almost 3 out of 4 adults. Generally it is a painless, chronic infection that most people don’t know they have until being told. It is caused by the bacteria in plaque that accumulates on the teeth. Left undiagnosed and untreated, periodontal disease destroys the gum tissue and bone that hold the teeth in the jaw, resulting in tooth loss. Gum disease has also been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Fortunately, Dr. Bracco regularly screens all patients for gum disease to help diagnose it early and prevent further complications with regular visits. When gum disease is present, our expert dental hygienists provide gentle, non-surgical treatment along with a personalized home care plan to help control it. In advanced cases referral to a specialist may be necessary. Don’t let this aggressive disease go unchecked. With early detection and treatment we can avoid surgery and help you to maintain your teeth for a lifetime.

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Preventative Dentistry

The cornerstone of our practice and the key to healthy teeth is prevention. Dr. Bracco and his dental team focus on prevention and complete oral health rather than “patch and fill” dentistry. Their goal is to help their patients keep their teeth for a lifetime. No matter the stage in your life, whether you are a child, adult or senior, it starts with a thorough dental exam and an accurate diagnosis.

From this, we can provide advanced preventive care that is uniquely suited to your needs. Our services include early detection of cavities with the Diagnodent laser, orthodontic screening for children, gum disease screening, routine oral cancer screening, fluoride treatments, protective sealants and dental cleanings personalized to your level of need. Regardless of your condition we are here to help you.

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Dental Whitening

These days everyone desires a brighter smile. Professional dental whitening is the simplest, fastest and most economical way to dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth. With years of clinical success, dental whitening has proven to be safe, effective and long lasting.

Ask about our options for dental whitening and if it will work for you. We make it easy and surprisingly affordable so that everyone can gain the benefits of a brighter smile!

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Temporomandibular Joint Therapy

The Temporomandibular Joint, or TMJ, is the point upon which the lower jaw hinges. Improper function of the TMJ can cause severe pain and discomfort with symptoms including tooth, ear and headaches along with inability to open, close or chew properly.

Causes can be related to stress, muscle spasm, clenching or grinding of the teeth and misalignment of the bite. With careful diagnosis and conservative treatment we can often alleviate the pain and tension. If you feel that you are having problems related to the TMJ, let us know, we want to help you.

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